Sunday 25 May 2014

Rainy day adventures #1 - homemade paint

Hey!  I've not been blogging for a while; probably because, ironically, I've had sooo many other things to do (haven't we all?). 

But, I have been keeping a note of all our shenanigans, so regular blogging will commence asap...

So, today it's raining.  Actually, it's not just raining, it's pouring and it's windy and it's miserable.  Not so good for a bank holiday weekend...

Don't get me wrong, my kids are great at keeping themselves amused, but not for the whole day.

So when I suggested painting (it's slightly less messier than play doh...) they were pretty excited.  I got the mat out, the paintbrushes, the kitchen roll, the wipes (thank God for wipes), the aprons and the...wait, what?  Dried out paint?  Bugger. 

Now I don't know about you, but when my kids have been told they're going to do something, they won't let it go.  I had planted the painting seed and I couldn't go back on my word. 

Fortunately for me, I remembered a fab pin I found on Pinterest (my bible) on how to make your own paint...

1 cup flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water
Food colouring

Mix the flour, salt and water together until you get your required consistency.  I added a little more water so the paint was less stodgy, then separated the mixture into four bowls. 

Next, add the food colouring to each bowl and mix!!


Now, you need to find something to put the paint into.  Luckily, I like to keep things - not in a crazy-hoarder kind of way, but in a 'that could be useful' kind of way - so I had kept four squeezy honey bottles just for this type of project...

Pour the paint into the bottles. (Notice my bespoke funnel...)

And, voila!  Homemade paint.

And the management seem happy, so that's all that counts...

Right, I'm off to do something else.

See you soon
